Latest news
The Blue Waltz – Introducing Asharti’s New Video!!!
It is with great pleasure, my dear friends, that I introduce to you my latest music-video called The Blue Waltz at a Gathering of Friends on December 14th. The location, with the support of Panasonic is at 1092 Budapest, Ferenc Korut 46, starting at 10 in the morning....
Breath of Zen Christmas Concert at MagNet-House!
I’d like to share with you that my 2016 Christmas Concert will be in Budapest this year, at 4PM (16:00) on December 18th at the MagNet Community House! Address: 1062 Budapest, Andrassy ut 98. This Concert is named Breath of Zen; and it comes with Free Entry! There...
The Women’s House Program
Due to it’s great success, the Women’s House Program will continue! As we have done before, I support you discovering and fully expressing your womanhood from within! As we did previously, I will be supporting you so that we women may all reveal our...