Due to it’s great success, the Women’s House Program will continue! As we have done before, I support you discovering and fully expressing your womanhood from within! As we did previously, I will be supporting you so that we women may all reveal our womanhood ! We’ve worked on this for over a half-year together. Including letting go of limiting history, barriers, and belief systems that prevents full expression of our feminity! I will take your hand and you mine and we will teach one another how to create as women and to be able to take this into our daily lives. And this done peacefully, lovingly, without a battle, without drama. We have several techniques at our disposal, though, naturally, most of the practices are sound-based and nothing else is needed but ourselves and our intuition through speech or song. If you have any interest in this program or have any questions feel free to find me at this address : info@asharti.com
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